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The New Alberta Farm Health & Safety Producer Grant Program Pays 50% of Farm Safety Expenses

The Alberta Provincial Government announced October 15, 2018 that a Farm Health and Safety Producer Grant Program has been developed to assist farmers with the costs of implementing the new Alberta OH&S Farming Legislation. 

Here is everything you need to know about the new Alberta Farm Health and Safety Producer Grant Program

Grant Details: 

  • The Farm Health and Safety Producer Grant offers financial assistance to eligible farmers that have waged, non-family workers and a WCB account 
  • Applicants can now apply for the grant that will pay up to 50% of the cost of eligible expenses up to $5,000 per year or $10,000 over the life of the program per applicant
  • The program helps farmers comply with the OH&S code that will take effect on December 1, 2018. 
  • The grant is available October 15, 2018 and runs until March 2021
Expenses that are eligible for 50% coverage include:

Course Fees, and Materials

First Aid Training, Fall Protection Training, Confined Spaces Training, WHIMIS Training, Forklift Training, Heavy Equipment Training, Health and Safety Basics Training, Joint Work Site Health and Safety Committee, Health and Safety Representatives, Workplace Harassment and Violence Occupational Health and Safety Certificate Courses
Fall Protection EquipmentHarnesses, Lanyards, Shock Absorber, Positioning Device, Connecting Components that Satisfy the Requirements in OH&S Code
RespiratorsDisposable Respiratory Protective Equipment, Half Mask Respirator, Full Face Respirator, Filters, Cartridges
Eye SafetyEmergency Eye Wash Equipment, Emergency Baths or Showers
Fire ProtectionFire Extinguishers, Bonding and Grounding Equipment
First AidFirst Aid Kits
Welding SafetyFlashback Arrestor, Backflow Prevention Devices, Welding Helmet, Goggles or Screens
Guarding for Existing EquipmentPTO Guards, Powered Saw Guards, Angle Grinder Guards, Auger Guards, Guards for Rotating Parts on Machinery, Rollover Protection Systems, Falling Object Protection Systems, Seat Belt Installation, Warning Lights
Noise ExposureHearing Protection Ear Plugs, Hearing Protection Ear Muffs 
Eye ProtectionSafety Glasses, Safety Goggles, Face Shield 
Personal Protective ClothingFire Resistant Clothing & Coveralls, Chemical & Biological Resistant Coveralls or Apron, Safety Boots, High Viability Vests
Warning SignageNot Limited to: Confined Space Entry, Overhead Power Lines, Do Not Enter, Chemical Storage Area, No Smoking, First Aid Kit & Fire Extinguisher, Hearing & Eye Protection Required

Northern Strands' Bin Protection System is eligible for 50% off using this grant. Northern Strands also offers various safety training courses that are covered by the Alberta Farm Health and Safety Producer Grant. 

Northern Strands Bin Safe System Information 

Northern Strands Training Division

Grant FAQ:$file/FarmSafetyFrequentlyAskedQuestions.pdf?OpenElement

Grant Application Form$file/FarmSafetyApplicationForm-Fillable.pdf?OpenElement

Grant Funding List:$file/FarmSafetyFundingList.pdf?OpenElement

Grant Terms & Conditions:$file/FarmSafetyTermsandConditions.pdf?OpenElement

Call, Text, or Email our Bin Safety Fall Protection Representative

Martin Toews

Cell Phone: 306-441-6845


Good Rigging Practices: How to Properly Install Wire Rope Clips using Clips

Northern Strands, safety is one of our top priorities. Therefore, knowing how to properly clip wire rope using Crosby clips is very important in order to practice safe rigging. Keep in mind that the wire rope clip must be the correct size for the diameter of the rope that is being used and that there is a specific number of clips that are required according to rope size.

A quick rule of thumb for proper clip installation is, "Never Saddle a Dead Horse". This refers to the live end of the wire rope that rests in the saddle of the forged wire clip and the U-bolt that is placed on the dead end of the wire rope. 

Here is the proper way to install Rope Clips as illustrated by the Crosby Group's 2015 General Catalog: 

1.  Turn back specified amount of rope from thimble or loop. Apply first clip one base width from dead end of rope. Apply U-Bolt over dead end of wire rope – live end rests in saddle (Never saddle a dead horse!). Use torque wrench to tighten nuts evenly, alternate from one nut to the other until reaching the recommended torque. 

2. When two clips are required, apply the second clip as near the loop or thimble as possible. Use torque wrench to tighten nuts evenly, alternating until reaching the recommended torque. When more than two clips are required, apply the second clip as near the loop or thimble as possible, turn nuts on second clip firmly, but do not tighten. 

3. When three or more clips are required, space additional clips equally between first two – take up rope slack – use torque wrench to tighten nuts on each clip evenly, alternating from one nut to the other until reaching recommended torque.

4.  If a pulley (sheave) is used in place of a thimble, add one additional Fist Grip. Fist Grip spacing should be as shown.

For more information on wire rope and wire rope clip installation, please contact us!

Northern Strands





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