A new legislation will soon require Alberta farmers to ensure their farms are equipped with proper safety plans. Emergency response, fall protection, and hazard assessments are just some of the plans that will be implemented to ensure worker safety on Alberta farms. The Alberta agriculture sector will now begin using checklists to help maintain these safety programs.
One of the largest concerns for Alberta farm and worker safety is grain bin fall protection. Alberta farmers can use the Northern Strands Grain Bin Fall Protection system to protect workers from a fall while climbing or accessing a grain bin for repairs. The user simply attaches a harness to a traveller and moves the traveller up as they climb the bin. The Grain Bin Fall Protection System meets OH&S farming requirements, is easy to use, and is cost effective all while protecting farmers, workers, or family members from a devastating fall.
Based out of Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Northern Strands provides services to Canadian farmers and mines all across the country. With safety as an integral part of operations, Northern Strands has grown over the years in order to develop this patented Grain Bin Fall Protection System.
To learn more about farm safety and Northern Strands Grain Bin Fall Protection System, click here
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