Northern Strands is proud to announce that our Bin Safe System won 1st Place in the Agricultural Equipment category at Ag in Motion this year!
Ag in Motion celebrated their 5th Anniversary with over 30,000 people attending the 2019 show. At the show, Northern Strands featured a variety of rigging products and the Grain Bin Fall Protection System.
The Bin Safe System is inexpensive and is designed for ease of use. Users simply wear the fall protection harness, attach the lanyard to the rope grab, and climb the bin. The system is designed to mitigate the potential risks of climbing very tall grain bins.
Northern Strands' innovation was also featured on a number of podcasts. To listen to these podcasts to learn more about Bin Safe and Ag in Motion, click the following links:
Additional information and articles about Bin Safe can be found by clicking the following links:
Contact our Bin Safe System Representative to order or request additional information
Farming in Saskatchewan has been a vital industry for many years. Because of the many safety hazards associated with farming, it is important to understand and implement farm safety plans to help avoid injury and potentially fatal accidents.
The Government of Canada states that the following duties pose a risk to the safety of farmers:
- Working in awkward/difficult positions, lifting heavy materials, and performing repetitive tasks
- Working in and around confined spaces
- Working in extreme temperatures
- Working alone
- Working at heights & Falls from heights
For the full comprehensive list, visit the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety site here:
Due to the nature of these risks, Farm Safety Plan Templates are vital for farm owners, managers, workers, and family members to implement and adhere to. The Government of Saskatchewan states that,
" Too many farmers, family members, and farm works are killed and injured on the farm each year as a result of incidents that could have been prevented" (Government of Saskatchewan, 2018).
Northern Strands is committed to providing farmers with a cost effective and simple solution to help prevent falls while climbing or accessing grain bins. The Bin Safe System allows farmers to climb a grain bin with ease; knowing that they are secured allows workers to feel comfortable while working on the outside of the bin.
“When I did
fall [off a grain bin], I broke my pelvis in 4 places and I laid in the
hospital for 6 weeks before I could even put pressure on my legs.
When I saw this product
offered by Northern Strands, I knew that they had a winner and proved that they
are a winner when they win all the safety awards at every tradeshow they go in.
Using Bin Safe is inexpensive and every bin can be done cost effectively; The
Bin Safe System allows us to go all the way to the top of the bin and all the
way back down safely. That is what every farmer requires or should have to be
as safe as possible when climbing bins.”
– Greg Setter
The team at Northern Strands has developed a Ladder Safety Checklist to be used in conjunction with a Farm Safety Plan Template. This Ladder Safety Checklist can be referenced prior to climbing grain bins.
Farm Safety Plan Templates are provided by a variety of Safety Associations for farmers to use for free. A Farm Safety Plan Template should be all encompassing and should include a grain bin fall protection section to ensure all potential farm safety hazards are identified. These Farm Safety Plan Templates can be used as a step in the development of your Farm Safety Program.
To access these Farm Safety Plan Templates, please view the following links:
Contact our Bin Safe System Representative to order or request additional information!
Northern Strand was honored to accept the Agriculture Equipment Innovation Award at Agri-Trade 2018 for our cutting edge Bin Safe System. The Agriculture Innovation Award is given to a company that celebrates new ideas, helps farmers meet new requirements, or provides a product to help meet new and changing needs in the agricultural sector. The judges for the Innovation Award are farmers; those who actually use agricultural products on their farm or ranch. The $1,500 price given to Northern Strands was donated to the Northern Strands Group of Companies' charity of choice, the Children's Wish Foundation of Saskatchewan.

The Bin Safe System is a farm safety equipment product that was developed to allow farmers to climb and easily access a grain bin for repairs or inspections. The system is an extremely cost effective alternative to grain bin walk ways, grain bin cages, and grain elevators. The implementation of new regulations in Alberta Farm Safety requires fall protection on various farms. Thus, the Bin Safe System helps farmers meet new legislative requirements and also provides the agricultural industry with a product to help meet new and changing needs on farms.
Up next for Northern Strands is the 2019 Crop Production Show hosted in Saskatoon Saskatchewan January 15 - 17, 2019 in booths C55-56. We will also be attending the Manitoba Ag Days Trade Show in the Inventor Area in Barn 4 Booth 1819 from January 22, 23, and 24th in Brandon Manitoba!