For the second year in a row, the Northern Strands Group of Companies(Northern Strands, Fortis Mining Engineering & Manufacturing, Certified Mining & Construction Sales & Rentals), was invited to participate in Children's Wish Exile Island. On March 10, 2017, The Children’s Wish Foundation challenged 15 local business and community groups to gather a Cast of 10 and take part in an action packed day of fun and friendly competition all in a united effort to grant 15 heartfelt wishes. Modeled after the popular television show “Survivor”, all the “Cast”-aways were sent to Legends Centre, Warman, SK to compete in a series of mental, physical, creative and strategic challenges. Each team was paired with a local Wish Child who cheered us on and inspired these brave competitors.
Here is a link to a story the Clarke's Crossing Gazette did on Exile Island this year
The child we are aligned with this year for Exile Island was Aurora. Her favorite movie is Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2. Luckily, this year's Exile Island theme was movies! Her favorite movie is about food coming alive...Thus Team Meatballs was born! Our team theme and costumes were based on the Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 movie. We won two team awards at Exile Island. Set Design/team area and the one we are most proud of Top Box Office/most money raised! See the pictures below of our time at Exile Island...
We are proud to say that for last 4 years in a row we have donated over $10,000 towards granting a Child's Wish!
Throughout the year we raise funds for Children's Wish in a variety of ways; Paper, pop cans, containers and batteries are recycled. Additional funds are raised through yard cleanup with scrap steel and other reusable goods being sent to auction. We have a raffle at our Christmas party and we have a separate intercompany raffle for 5 pairs of Rush tickets. The Group of Companies holds several fund-raising BBQ's throughout the summer. Employees are encouraged to participate and volunteer to help with the activities during the event. We contact neighboring businesses and drop off flyers in the effort to grow each and every BBQ.
We also have a very unique way of giving back to the community. We use our Safety Training Ambulance to raise money at events like Craven Country Jamboree and other similar events. Our Trainers donate their time as first responders at these types of events. They offer basic medical care out of the ambulance. Any money we are paid is donated back to Children's Wish. Even if the event cannot afford to pay, our Trainers will still volunteer simply to help those in need.
Every year our efforts have helped give hope to a local family that needed it the most. We believe one of the key reasons we are so successful in encouraging our employees to donate their time is the connection we make with the child we are aligned with. By doing events like Exile Island you can see the difference you are making in the child and their family's life.
We would like to thank Novatex Industrial printers for making our great banner and The Cherry On Top - Sweet Treats by Erin for making our creative cupcakes. See pictures below.

Northern Strands Group of Companies is proudly Saskatoon, Saskatchewan owned and operated.